

A Secret Santa App

Make your Christmas more joyous by playing Secret Santa digitally just as you play in real with friends. With Hush-Hush, you can create wishlists, make groups and find giftees. No account or email id required.

Get it on Google Play

Only group admins need to have the app, others have an option to use our web app instead.

How to play?

  1. One of you creates a group in our app. Let's call them the group admin.
  2. The group admin adds their wishlist in the group.
  3. The group admin shares the group invite link with others.
  4. Others have an option to open the group invite link in the app or in the web app where they can create and add their wishlists to the group to join the group.
  5. The group admin shuffles the wishlists and notifies everyone of the draw.
  6. Everyone finds their giftees on their devices (app or web). 🎉